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No registration numbers left?

The Transport Agency announces that the combination of Swedish registration numbers are about to run out. Soon, all the letters and numbers used in any combination will run out. Within a few years, the Transport Agency have to find an alternative solution.

There are still two letters that are not used as the first character, Y and Z. In 2014, Y becomes the first letter in the combination. But after that there are only Z left. Å, Ä and Ö are not used because they can be confused with other letters. Neither I, V and Q are used on any plates. If not a solution comes, it may take about 5 years before the registration numbers is out. Depending on the number of new vehicles registered in Sweden in the coming years.

This problem is now being investigated by the Transport Agency. They want to have time to find new alternatives before it becomes acute.

Smaller Motorcycle Signs

The two-line plate for motorcycle and moped class I will be somewhat smaller in the new version. Discussions with the MC industry and the abolition of the control markers has allowed the reduction. The new measure will be 170 x 150 mm .

Within the next few weeks we will have a sign holder for sale that fits the new signs. The article number of theese signs will be 79-0128.


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