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Drag Specialties 0² Sensor Bung Adapter Kit 18Mm/12Mm Adapters 02 Snsr i gruppen Reservdelar & Tillbehör / Avgassystem / Övrigt Avgassystem  / O2 Sensor hos Blixt&Dunder AB (18610594)
Drag Specialties 0² Sensor Bung Adapter Kit 18Mm/12Mm Adapters 02 Snsr

Drag Specialties 0² Sensor Bung Adapter Kit 18Mm/12Mm Adapters 02 Snsr

Drag Specialties
Betyg på Drag Specialties 0² Sensor Bung Adapter Kit 18Mm/12Mm Adapters 02 Snsr i gruppen Reservdelar & Tillbehör / Avgassystem / Övrigt Avgassystem  / O2 Sensor hos Blixt&Dunder AB
540 kr
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Artikelnummer: 18610594

O2 Sensor Bung Adapter Kit

  • Reduces 18mm bungs to 12mm
  • Includes extension wire to allow the front sensor to reach the new installation location
  • Kit includes two adapters, extension wire, wire connectors and instructions

  • Type: O2 Sensor Bung
    Product Name: Adapter
    Adapts: 18 mm - 12 mm
    Units: Kit

    Enhet: Sats
    Produkt-typ: Adapter
    Tillverkarens Art. Nr.: 1861-0594
    Färg: Adapter
    O2 Sensor Bung Adapter Kit

  • Reduces 18mm bungs to 12mm
  • Includes extension wire to allow the front sensor to reach the new installation location
  • Kit includes two adapters, extension wire, wire connectors and instructions

  • Type: O2 Sensor Bung
    Product Name: Adapter
    Adapts: 18 mm - 12 mm
    Units: Kit


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