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Packning avgasrör Evo, T/C & XL 86-upp, flätad rostfri, flat race typ i gruppen Reservdelar & Tillbehör / Packningar / Sportster Evo & Buell / Sportster Lösa packningar hos Blixt&Dunder AB (46-0066)
Packning avgasrör Evo, T/C & XL 86-upp, flätad rostfri, flat race typ

Packning avgasrör Evo, T/C & XL 86-upp, flätad rostfri, flat race typ

Betyg på Packning avgasrör Evo, T/C & XL 86-upp, flätad rostfri, flat race typ i gruppen Reservdelar & Tillbehör / Packningar / Sportster Evo & Buell / Sportster Lösa packningar hos Blixt&Dunder AB
55 kr
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Artikelnummer: 46-0066

84-90/10-up OEM style; steel flat wire
Knitted & compressed, without fillers. Note: The 86-03/10-up style is preferred by many for better flow characteristics.

The 91-09 late style is a conical (tapered) shaped gasket that was introduced by The Factory in 1991 and replaced, again, with the early style in 2010. Note that the early style will fit all models and is generally seen as the better gasket design.

84-20 B.T.
86-20 XL
87-10Buell XB


Enhet: Styck
OEM-nr: 65324-83 , 65324-83A , 65324-83B , 65324-83C

84-90/10-up OEM style; steel flat wire
Knitted & compressed, without fillers. Note: The 86-03/10-up style is preferred by many for better flow characteristics.

The 91-09 late style is a conical (tapered) shaped gasket that was introduced by The Factory in 1991 and replaced, again, with the early style in 2010. Note that the early style will fit all models and is generally seen as the better gasket design.

84-20 B.T.
86-20 XL
87-10Buell XB

